Wednesday 17. November 2021
We create a professional framework
for ethical, sustainable and innovative action
in business
Jost & Bayer GnbR

Intensive seminar "Value-based & Responsible"
Your roadmap to safeguard the future!
This intensive seminar provides you,  in just 2 days, with an insight into ethical and sustainable conduct.
The following topics will be covered during the seminar:

- introduction to ethics
- value management
- promoting responsibility through appreciation
- overview of national, European and international developments
- The international guideline ISO 26000
- The "Stakeholder Approach" as an essential key to sustainability
- The generation model of CSR - focus on core competencies
- The 7 principles of ISO 26000
- Voluntariness versus obligation
- The CSR team as a success factor and source of "Bundled intelligence"
- The "CSR Marketplace"
- From "Open Innovation" to "Social Innovation"
- The individual way,  Values ​​/ Ethics
- Implementation in the company


Your “AddedValue” for this seminar:
-  The intensive seminar offers the oppurtunity to learn essentials for the introduction of ethics and CSR in your company
- The participants will have a basic understanding of CSR management tools
- Practice-oriented insights into key-areas of CSR management

For further information about the intensive seminar "Value-based & Responsible", please do not hesitate to contact the WEISS team!
» Contact Request 

Wirtschaftsethik Institut WEISS GmbH
8. Mai Straße 26, 9020 Klagenfurt
Tel. +43 6644243277